Saturday, November 13, 2010


Next stage in the building process was to get the house set out on the block.  Usually a builder builds a set of wooden 'profiles' around the whole house sit and then runs string-lines and plumbs down from them to mark out all the corners of the house so that footings can be dug in all the right places (footings in the wrong places are not good - tend to cause all sorts of serious headaches later on...)

In our case Phil (the Builder) decided to try out surveyors instead, since it was likely that the amount of wood, effort and man-hours needed to put up the profiles on our 3-level house would have been enough to fully construct a small 2-bedroom dwelling on flat ground...  The surveyors load an electronic copy of the house plans into their surveyor-type computer software and generate a set of GPS points for every corner (we had over 60!) and then bring out their cool-looking equipment that calculates angles, distances and compass directions to plot each point on the ground.  Quite amazing to watch and reassuring to hear them saying, "That's pretty much it there - just move 2mm forwards and 3mm to your right."  Gives you a fair bit of confidence that it's going to be where it's meant to be!  6 hours later and they were all marked out, ready to go.

No photos unfortunately of the guys in action - me being me, I just forgot on the day...
That day being Thursday 7th October, in case you were wondering.

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