Monday, March 7, 2011

Mr. Wiiiillllssssoooonnnnn!

Title is a reference to the now ancient movie 'Dennis the Menace' and a fairly common greeting in my early days of teaching - it was meant to be a reminder that I'm back at school, but in reality I haven't heard students use it for quite a while; the movie's well and truly past it's use-by date now...

Last post was 3 weeks ago and funnily enough, I haven't got back to this to post anything new:
end of long service leave + start of school again = no time to update blog
(a little algebraic equation for you)

Plenty has happened, though, so I'll try to catch up a little bit over the next weeks and follow the process.
Along with the wrapping, windows were going in, which is always a great stage - suddenly the breezes don't blow through the whole house, the views get framed, rooms get enclosed and it all feels much more like a house.  Nice to see the double-glazed units - glass is still a terrible insulator but at least double-glazing is so much better than single.  Plus glass lets in sunlight, which is free heating if you plan the rest of the house right!

Kids play-room windows. Loving the thought of doors open on a nice day and kids running in and out - sunshine streaming through the high windows above (onto solid block wall out-of-shot to the right).  Just a practical note for those who may build - big sections of glass like this need a bit of reinforcing around them, which our engineer forgot about until Phil gave the whole wall a bit of a shake and didn't like the amount of movement...)

View from our bedroom window (still missing 2 middle panes in this shot) - hopefully down the track we can look out at something a bit nicer than a pile of dirt, pallets of bricks and left-over timber. Ah, the project list is long... and growing...

View from our bathroom window - yes, the glass is clear; no, it's not a mistake - we asked for it. Our thinking?  No-one can see in from neighbouring blocks, the view is nice (this is what you'd see lying in the bath - trees, greenery, growing things...yes, we will move the pile of dirt from this shot too), and if it becomes a problem we'll get a blind!

1 comment:

  1. Have you guys got tinted glass? Hopefully not in the rooms where you have your thermal mass!!

    Love the idea of a bath with a view - hopefully you won't need blinds - but with growing boys and girls they may insist!!
