Wednesday, December 1, 2010


An occupational hazard of digging your house back into a bank is that while it gets built that bank is exposed.  Just add rain and the possibility of something happening that's messy, in-the-way and hard to clean up is pretty high.  Such was the case on 1st November after more rain overnight:

A good portion of the bank behind the garage detached and un-gracefully fell onto the edge blocks, breaking a few and creating a nice mess for someone to clean up - namely, me.  Being the kind of top-quality 'soil' that it is, it's either dry and rock-hard or wet and so sloppy it won't shake off the spade - both are annoying and make the job longer than it ever needs to be.
The mess was eventually cleared away with a few temporary barriers put up to try to avoid the same thing happening again.  This little section along the back of the garage ended up being cleaned out a few more times - water seeps constantly (even a week or two after rain) and chunks dislodge and drop in regularly.  Can't wait to see the retaining wall built, drainage pipes laid and the whole lot filled back in so I don't need to look at it any more!

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