Monday, November 29, 2010


The heavens opened overnight Thursday 14th and Friday 15th October.  As I've written in my little red house-build exercise book "Footings became water slides" and instead of a garage we had a paddling pool (although not one you'd really want to send your kids into...)
The surveyors ventured out to put pins (little concrete nails with pretty coloured plastic tags) into the footings - the most accurate way to let the brickies know where their corners were.  After handing out masks and snorkels, they did as much as they could without using scuba gear and decided to call it a day.  Hard to imagine that this muddy, sloppy, water-logged mess is ever actually going to look like something a bit more grand.  There's something depressing about trying to do any kind of real work, or do it cleanly, when it's muddy.  Rain - OK. Cold - can handle that.  Wind - sends you a bit mad.  But mud can be soul-destroying...
"After 40 days the waters receded, and Noah sent out a dove..."

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